Scholarly Publications

Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Thakkar, V. J., Richardson, Z. A., Dang, A., & Centanni, T. M. (2023). The effect of non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation on memory recall in reading: A pilot study. Behavioural Brain Research, 438, 114164. [Full-Text PDF

Thakkar, V. J., Engelhart, A. S., Khodaparast, N., Abadzi, H. & Centanni, T. M. (2020). Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation enhances learning of novel letter-sound relationships in adults. Brain Stimulation, 13, 1813-1820. [Full-Text PDF] 

Reading, Language, and Dyslexia

Roark, C. L., Thakkar, V. J., Chandrasekaran, B., & Centanni, T. M. (2024). Auditory category learning in children with dyslexia. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 67(3), 974-988. [Full-Text PDF]

Student Learning

Tauber, S. K., Thakkar, V. J., & Pleshek, M. A. (2022). How does expecting to teach impact students' self-regulated learning?. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 11(1), 106-119. [Full-Text PDF

Other Psychiatry/Psychology Research

Barth, T. M., Lord, C. G., Thakkar, V. J., & Brock, R. N. (2020). Effects of resilience strength training on constructs associated with moral injury among veterans. Journal of Veterans Studies, 6(2), 101-113. [Full-Text PDF] 

Copies of conference posters and talks available upon request. Please email me for more information.